May 15, 2019

I will eventually be adding patterns that I design for loom knitting, sewing, and quilting. I will be sharing techniques for quilting and loom knitting stitches. And I will be also sharing yummy recipes that I come up with. I hope to have loom knitting alongs. So keep checking back for great and important information!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Bible Study: 1 Thessalonians 4

Chapter 4

In this chapter Paul is instructing the Thessalonians in life matters:  How to conduct themselves, their speech

V1   Amplified:  Furthermore, brethren, we beg and admonish you in [virtue of our union with] the Lord Jesus, that [you follow the instructions which] you learned from us about how you ought to walk so as to please and gratify God, as indeed your are doing; that you do so even more and more abundantly––attaining yet greater perfection in living this life.

Keep on, keeping on.  Keep pressing forward in Christ.  Keep learning and growing in Him

V2   Acts 15:20.   Here Gentiles are coming to know Jesus and the believing Jews thought they should be circumcised.  Verses 7-21 give generalization.

V3.   This is the will of God  
Abstain from sexual impurity
from harlotry includes adultery and incest
The Lord wants us pure for Himself and to be a great witness for Him.  We want to live lives different from the world and should

Romans 12:1-3
-present ourselves a living sacrifice––reasonable service
    to God––always keep in mind that we are always before the Lord.  He is always mindful of us and we should always be mindful of Him.
-be not conformed to this world
    be transformed by renewing our minds
    that you prove the will of God which is good, acceptable and                 perfect
- don't think more highly of ourselves than we ought
    we all need to keep our perspective  and not judge others,                 but judge our own selves.

V4–5  ...know how to possess his/her vessel––how to control oneself.

Self-control always starts with the Word of God.  One of the Fruit of the Spirit––temperance

2 Peter 1:2–-9 (pg 1543)

2P 1V2.   Grace and peace.    To have peace must experience grace.
through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord
Knowledge 1922 is full discernment, having and understanding

2PV3 according His divine power ––  He did the work
But he has given it to us––completed
all things that pertain to life and godliness
Through the knowledge of Him.       There it is again!

He has called us to glory and virtue
    glory–doxa.  honor and praise, also means to recognize, to think
    virtue–valor i.e. excellence

2PV4 We are given:
Exceeding ––superabound
Great. 3176. superlative--to the highest degree; greatest or very great
AND precious 5093 valuable i.e. costly; honored, honorable, beloved, dear, (had in reputation)
Costly---it cost Him something to give us these things!

Promises 1862 ep-ang-el-mah self-committal
God committed Himself to His promises!!
God committed Himself to over-seeing that His promises are kept.


That by these you might be partakers of His Divine Nature
having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

CJB:   3:
5-7 For this very reason, try your hardest to furnish your
faith with goodness  (KJV = virtue),
goodness with knowledge,
knowledge with self-control (KJV = temperance),
perseverance with godliness,
godliness with brotherly affection (KJV = kindness), and
brotherly affection with love (agape).
8 For if you have these qualities in abundance, they keep you from being barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.  
9 Indeed, whoever lacks them is blind, so short-sighted that he forgets that his past sins have been washed away.

Furnish––Webster's   to provide for or supply

The Lord has given us all thing that we need to live in godliness.

Ephesians 5:23-27

The Lord compares our relationship to Him as a marriage.  We are to give ourselves to Him and not at all to the world and worldly  ways.

V27    ...that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the Word.

-sanctify––to consecrate:  as being set apart of God and sent by Him for the performance of His will
    by the Word:  John 17:17
-reason:  to present a glorious church...

Romans 12:1-3. Read in CJB

–offer self sacrifice
    KJV present your bodies
    living sacrifice ––– as alive unto God, ready to be of service
    reasonable service––worship
    holy ––– blameless in heart and life; set apart from the                         common to a sacred use

spoken of priest Revelation 1:6  He has made us kings and priests
                       1 Peter 2:5, 9
kings:  rule and reign.   priest:  intercede and minister to others  
Matthew 28:18-26            James 5:16
Mark 16:15-18                1 Timothy 2:1-2

V 6. Don't defraud in ANY matter
    The Lord will take vengeance

    Hebrews 10:30 vengeance is Mine
He is watching out for His people

V7. We are called to holiness keeping ourselves pure for Him, as a witness before and to others.

V7–8. CJB–– For God did not call us to live an unclean life but a holy one.  Therefore, whoever rejects this teaching is rejecting not a man but God, indeed, the One Who gives you the
Ruach HaKodesh, Who is His.

V9 John 13:34-35 (pg 1340) A new commandment

    New––2537 Kahee-nos. new, especially in freshness, newly made, not impaired by time or use, current, not known before, newly introduced.  Spoken of a new doctrine, commandment or precept.

V10. You do this
     but we beseech you to increase more and more

V11. Now here is something!!
Study 5389 to be fond of honor, i.e. emulous em u lus (eager, or earnest to do something):  labor, strive, study

Quiet 2270  to keep still, refrain from meddlesomeness or speech; to be quiet, to live quiet.
and to work with your own hands
as we commanded you

V11-12 CJB. Also, make it your ambition to live quietly, to mind your own business and to earn your living by your own efforts –– just as we told you.  Then your daily life will gain the respect of outsiders, and you will not be dependent on anyone.

There are a lot of verses that talk about not using much words.

study 5389––in eagerness and earnestness
quiet 2270–– to keep still; i.e. refrain from labor, meddlesomeness or –– cease, hold peace, be quiet, rest.  To be quiet, live quiet, be silent, keep oneself from speaking.

We don't need to go around correcting everyone and poking into everyone's lives.  We need to be good witnesses for the Lord, mainly just by the way we live our lives; by the way we conduct ourselves.

V12 Two reasons:  First and foremost–to be honest before the unbelievers.  It is a very bad witness to defraud.  People do watch and see even when we don't realize it.
Second–to lack nothing.  The Bible says when we give it will be given unto us more than what we gave.  We honor God through our giving.

V13.  Evidently the Thessalonians were concerned about the believers who already have died would miss Jesus' coming back.

 God doesn't want us to grieve as unbelievers grieve.  We have the hope of seeing our loved ones again.

V14.  Sleep=koy may sis taking a rest, reposing
When Jesus returns He is bringing them with Him!!

V15. shall not prevent= to be before hand
V16. those who have died in Christ will rise first
V17. then we...shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
Clouds––Hebrews 12:1-3.   Great cloud of witnesses
So shall we ever be with the Lord!!!!

V18 Comfort one another with these words.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Bible Study: 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 


 Chapter 3

Paul missed the Thessalonians and wondered how they were doing.  They hoped they were not discouraged by the bad treatment toward Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy.

V1 Paul was left at Athens and he sent Timothy to see how they were doing.
A certain group of Jews that did not believe in Jesus as Lord followed Paul to Berea to make trouble for him there

forbear 4722 stego  to roof over, i.e. to cover with silence (endure patiently), (for-) bear, suffer.

V2  When Paul was chased out of Berea he went to Athens, but he sent Timothy back to Thessalonica.
    to establish them 4741 stay-rid-zo—to confirm, to fix, set, steadfast
    to comfort them concerning their faith.

V3      that no one should be moved
    God had appointed them to Thessalonica, that is where God had led them to be.

V4  We told you…

Suffering tribulation 2346 thlee-bo to crowd, afflict, throng, trouble, narrow (Webster’s confining, limited, close, small, meager);

V5  When he couldn’t stand it any longer he sent Timothy to them to see how they were doing.

Paul was hoping that the tempter had NOT discouraged them and they walked away from the Lord making the three’s labor in vain

Amplified:  “But now that Timothy has just come back to us from [his visit to] you, and has brought us the good news of [the steadfastness of] your faith and [the warmth of your] love, and [reported] how kindly you cherish a constant and affectionate remembrance of us, [and that you are] longing to see us as we [are to see] you.”

V7  With all that affliction and distress the three were experiencing this brought much comfort.

V8  Now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord or stand firm in the Lord
They can endure anything knowing the Thessalonians are right and still stand with the Lord.

V9  Their hearts were full of thankfulness and joy
Which causes much strength.

V10  Desiring so much to see them again
to perfect that which might be lacking

V11  Prayer

V12  Amplified:  And may the Lord make you to increase and excel and overflow in love for one another and for all people, just as we also do for you.

V13  He may stablish––to set fast
your hearts unblameable in holiness before God